April 2021: Online Access to the Facsimile of the 1544 Spiritual Exercises

A facsimile of the Spiritual Exercises — what some call the “manoscritto spagnolo” dating back to 1544 — is now available online and in open access at https://archive.org/details/ejerciciosespiri00igna/page/n7/mode/2up . The volume was first published in 1908.


Permission to digitize the title was granted by Brian Mac Cuarta, S.J., direttore accademico of the Archivum Romanum Societatis Iesu.


The digitization was conducted by the staff at the Burns Library of Boston College in collaboration with the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies. More information about the extensive Jesuitica collection at Burns Library is available at https://libguides.bc.edu/burns/collections/jesuit


To suggest other titles for digitization, and even for inclusion in the Jesuit Online Library, please contact the Portal to Jesuit Studies (jesuitportal@bc.edu).